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Meet the Grassland Species at Risk

Get to know the grassland Species at Risk that MULTISAR focuses on by clicking on the thumbnails below. You will find out about their habitats, life history, population, threats and what you can do to help them out. You can also test your Species at Risk IQ with a short quiz.


Burrowing owl—Endangered (At Risk)

Burrowing Owl

Ferruginous hawk—Endangered (At Risk)

Ferruginous Hawk

Loggerhead shrike - Species of Special Concern (Sensitive)

Loggerhead Shrike

Long-billed curlew - Species of Special Concern (Sensitive)

Long-billed Curlew

Sprague's Pipit - Species of Special Concern (Sensitive)

Sprague’s Pipit

Greater sage-grouse—Endangered (At Risk)

Greater Sage-Grouse

Prairie falcon - Species of Special Concern (Sensitive)

Prairie Falcon

Sharp-tailed grouse - Sensitive

Sharp-tailed Grouse


Swift Fox — Endangered (At Risk)

Swift Fox

Pronghorn - Sensitive


American badger—Sensitive (Data Deficient)

American Badger

Richardson's ground squirrel - Secure

Richardson’s Ground Squirrel

Western Small-footed Bat - Species of Special Concern (Sensitive)

Western Small-footed Bat (Myotis)

Amphibians and Reptiles

Plains spadefoot - May Be At Risk

Plains Spadefoot

Great plains toad—Species of Special Concerns (May Be At Risk)

Great Plains Toad

Northern leopard frog - Threatened (At Risk)

Northern Leopard Frog

Prairie rattlesnake - Species of Special Concern (Data Deficient)

Prairie Rattlesnake

Short-horned lizard - Endangered (At Risk)

Short-Horned Lizard


Western Spiderwort - Endangered (At Risk)

Western Spiderwort

Soapweed and Yucca Moth

Soapweed and Yucca Moth

Western Blue Flag - Species of Special Concern (At Risk)

Western Blue Flag


Soapweed and Yucca Moth

Soapweed and Yucca Moth

Weidemeyers Admiral - Species of Special Concern (May be at Risk)

Weidemeyer’s Admiral

You can also find out more about grassland Species at Risk in this publication:


Poster (11X17)
Brochure (folds to 3.5X8.5)
Paper copies are available. Please contact MULTISAR if you wish to receive a copy in the mail.