What the Public Can Do (to help Species at Risk)
There are many things that you can do to help grassland Species at Risk even if you are not a landowner:
Educate yourself, your family and your friends about grassland Species at Risk. Learn more about which species are at risk, how they got to be that way and what is being done to help them out.
You can meet 22 grassland Species at Risk on our website and test your Species at Risk IQ.
There are many resources available on our Learn More page.

Visit and Enjoy
Take a trip to look for and enjoy Species at Risk and other grassland plants and animals. There are several Alberta Provincial Parks, a National Park and several municipal parks in the grasslands that are good for wildlife watching and finding out more about grassland species:
Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park
Police Outpost Provincial Park
Lethbridge and Medicine HatNature Centres and Parks.

Do Not Disturb
If you do travel to look for Species at Risk, remember to avoid disturbing them, especially during the breeding season. Birds of prey are especially vulnerable while they are incubating and human disturbance can cause them to abandon their nest.
You can find out the minimum recommended set-back distances for a variety of prairie and parkland species here.

Food Choices
Support ranchers and farmers that are good stewards of native grassland and other natural prairie habitats by choosing grass-fed meat in the grocery store and farmers markets.

Participate in volunteer programs that help Species at Risk, such as:
Alberta Volunteer Amphibian Monitoring Program
North American Breeding Bird Survey
Adopt-a-Plant Alberta, a group that participates in recovery efforts for plants at risk.
Local Fish and Game and other conservation groups (e.g. retrofitting fences with smooth wire for Pronghorn; weed pulls)
Local Watershed Groups, such as the Oldman Watershed Council, the Milk River Watershed Council Canada and the South East Alberta Watershed Alliance

Speak Up
Voice your support for native prairie conservation with your political leaders.