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Species at Risk Conservation Plans

A Species at Risk Conservation Plan (SARC) is a visual assessment of the key wildlife habitats found on a property. It provides landholders with information on how subtle management changes to their operation may benefit Species at Risk and other wildlife.

The process includes the following steps:

A one-on-one meeting with the landholder to discuss current management practices, wildlife, species at risk and the objectives of the plan.
A quick ranch-wide visual habitat assessment carried out by MULTISAR biologists and recommendations for Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) adapted for the land and the ranching operation. These are summarized in a report, along with a variety of supporting information and maps.
Implementation of BMPs is at the discretion of the landholder.

If you manage native prairie in Alberta’s Grassland Natural Region, you are eligible for a free assessment. Contact MULTISAR if you would like to consider implementing a Species at Risk Conservation Plan on your land.

Balsam root - Porcupine Hills
SARC PLANS IN THE PORCUPINE HILLS Bruce Mowat runs a cow/calf operation with his wife Marianne, in the Porcupine Hills. Their foothills ranch is host to an array of wildlife, from the familiar mountain bluebird to the endangered Ferruginous Hawk. With a landscape this precious, Bruce felt it was important to have a professional view of the ranch and liked the idea of it all coming together in a single report. Since MULTISAR completed their SARC plan in 2008, Bruce has shared it with his neighbours, and as a result, many of them have also come forward to get their own personalized plan. As Bruce puts it, "there is power in numbers of people all working together".